Indian fingers warm

Indian fingers warm

The warm Indian fingers are also called the hot fingers Indian fingers for lovers of Indian food and warm cooking.


               1 onion cooked

               1 pack of green peas

               2 bubbled potatoes

               1 carrot set

               2 hot green pepper minced

               2 egg

               1 glass breadcrumbs

               3 tablespoons chickpeas flour

               1 teaspoon turmeric

               0.5 teaspoon red pepper

              1 teaspoon salt

              0.5 tsp. Flavors of Masala or Curry Flavors

How to prepare:

  • Mix all the ingredients except the crisps and eggs together well.
  • Make up the potato mixture with the fingers of the kofta. Immerse in the eggs and dip in the crumbs
  • And left in the freezer until use.
  • Heat the oil and fry directly before not melt the fingers of the kaffah until it shines color.

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