Moroccan Bastille and the way of preparation

Moroccan Bastille and the way of preparation

Moroccan Bastille and the way of preparation:

Bastille An Amazigh dish is made with chicken, almonds or fish. It is considered a national dish and a symbol of Amazigh cuisine. It is served as a main dish especially in large occasions. The name Bastille is also called on thin sheets of dough (sheet pastel).


      The large-sized pendulum paper.
      Clean, washed and cut chicken.
      One and a half kilograms of chopped onions.
      250 g of almonds.
      Spoon of salt.
      A teaspoon of white pepper.
      Half a teaspoon of ginger.
      2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander.
      Spoons of finely chopped parsley.
      A cup of vegetable oil. One and a half cups of melted butter.
     10 eggs.
     200 grams of soft sugar.
     2 tablespoons ground cinnamon.

  How to prepare:

  • Place the chicken in a pot on the fire, add the vegetable oil and stir the chicken pieces in the oil and then add chopped onions. Add salt, pepper, saffron, ginger and butter and stir the ingredients.

  •  Add the syrup and parsley and stir them, then add a quantity of boiled water covering the chicken pieces completely.

  •  Cover the bowl and leave the chicken on the fire until it is fully cooked.

  •  Remove the chicken pieces from the broth, leave them aside to cool, and begin to remove the bone from the chicken and cut it small pieces.

  •  Place chicken broth on the fire to boil until slightly condensed.

  •  Beat the eggs slightly with a fork and then add it gradually over the broth, taking into account the rapid stirring. Pour the almonds in the oil over the fire and leave it aside to cool down.

  •  Put the almonds in the food preparation and grind until it is very smooth, add 100 grams of sugar and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and mix well.

  •  In the Chinese to be baked, put five sheets of pastel paper so that the leaves of the paper remain outside the Chinese, taking into account the fat of each sheet with a thin layer of melted butter.

  •  We distribute a layer of cut chicken and then put a sheet of paper over it.

  •  Add a layer of chicken broth and egg and then put a thin layer of paper and finally distribute a layer of ground almond mixture and cover with pastel paper.

  •  We praise the footnotes of the pastel to the inside, then paint it with the melted butter and put a last layer of pastel paper to cover the last layer. We stick the paper with an egg so that the paper does not open. Go into the oven until it turns brown and take the golden color.

  • Finally, sprinkle with honey, chopped walnuts or crushed sugar and cinnamon.

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