How Red Rice Works

How Red Rice Works

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How Red Rice Works:

American rice:

The American rice is hot. Today, the American rice is warm. It is prepared very easily. The quality of the rice depends on its quality and cooking method. For example, American rice must be soaked with water before cooking.This dish is served with chicken, meat or fish as a side dish.

US Rice Ingredients:
3 tablespoons butter.
Tablespoon olive oil.
Tablespoon red chili powder.
3/4 cup chopped green onions.
2 cloves crushed.
1/4 cup warm green pepper finely chopped.
Teaspoon cumin.
Salt / pepper as desired.
2 American Rice Cup.
2 1/2 cup chicken broth.
1/2 cup tomato sauce.

Hot Rice Method:

1 - We get American rice and then we sprinkle with warm water with a little salt for half an hour.
2 - in a pan over medium heat, put the butter and olive oil, and when the spruce of rice is protected for several minutes after it is filtered until we notice that it does not stick to the bottom of the bowl.
3 - add green pepper, onion, garlic and stir to several daggers.
4 - then add chicken broth and tomato sauce and season with salt, pepper, cumin and Chile powder and leave to boil.
5. When boiling, reduce the temperature and keep it on low heat and cover and leave for 20 minutes.
6 - lifted from the fire and placed separately but to open the cover only after 10 minutes.
7. Then loosen the rice with the fork and serve hot as a side dish with the main dish and in a healthy and healthy way.



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